COST Action FP1404 – Fire Safe Use of Bio-Based Building Products

HMCS participation in COST Action FP1404 – Fire Safe Use of Bio-Based Building Products at Mektory, Tallinn University of Technology, 12-13 December 2016.

The aim of the meeting was to form a summary of the state of the art based on fire results, the roadmap for the following months until the end of the life time of the Action, organisation of journal publications and distribution of the work, identification and encourage of further members.

Presenations covered the behaviour of gypsum plasterboards in fire and simulation possibilities (contribution GR). Further, the implemantation of the protection behaviour was presented (contribution EST). Intense discussion followed a presentation about an ongoing PhD thesis dealing with the classification of insulation (contribution EST, IT) and shrinkage of bio-based insulation (contribution GER). Clay plaster as fire protection was discussed (contribution EST) and the use of cone heaters for fire resistance estimations (conribution IT), Phase Change Materials (contribution GR) and new testing facilities (contribution CZ). About 30% of the experts participating in the expert meeting were female, ca. 45% PhD students.

