NTUA presents project’s results in the European Parliament

GtGlife-logoOn Tuesday 17/11/2015 at the European Parliament, at a special meeting, the results of the project LIFE11 ENV / BE / 001039 entitled «GTOG: From production to recycling: a circular economy for the European gypsum Industry with the demolition and recycling Industry» were presented.

The 3-year project (01/01/2013 – 31 / 12-2015) involved 17 partners: gypsum producers (80% of the European market), the two largest gypsum recycling companies in Europe, large demolition companies and two academic institutions.


NTUA led the action B3 – “Towards Sustainable Lightweight Systems” that included conducting industrial tests in five gypsum board plants in four European countries with the aim of maximizing the use of recycled gypsum. The main contribution was the energy and techno-economic evaluation of the integration of recycled gypsum in plasterboard production. The results were presented by the Scientific Director for the NTUA, Professor of the School of Mechanical Engineering Maria Founti. In the scientific team were also from the School of Chemical Engineering Professor Helen Grigoropoulou and PhD student Natasha Papailiopoulou.


Information and program material at http://gypsumtogypsum.org/