The symposium is the ninth in a series on combustion and related topics, held by the scientific communities from countries around the Mediterranean.
The Symposium has grown to become an important regional conference in Combustion, with about 200 papers and 6-8 plenaries delivered each time the conference is held. Typically, there is strong representation from the big European countries and a significant number of attendees from smaller countries. The paper review process is rigorous and a set of contributed papers will be selected for post-conference publication in special issues of the journals “Combustion Science and Technology”, “Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science” and “Flow Turbulence and Combustion”.
HMCS participates in 9thMCS with two papers:
- T.P. Doss, Ch. Keramiotis, G. Vourliotakis, G. Zannis, G. Skevis, M.A. Founti. An experimental parametric study of the effect of simulated EGR variation on a swirl-stabilized stoichiometric CH4 flame.
- G. Vourliotakis, Ch. Keramiotis, G. Skevis, M.A. Founti. Allene and Propyne combustion in premixed flames: A detailed kinetic modelling study.
- E. K. Asimakopoulou, D. I. Kolaitis, M. A. Founti. Evaluation of Fire Engineering Design Correlations for externally venting flames using a medium scale facade fire experiment.
The programme of the symposium is available at 9thMCS website.