
  • «2PHASE»: The 2PHASE code has been developed in the Laboratory of Heterogeneous Mixtures and Combustion Systems of NTUA (Klipfel, 1999). The code is based on a Eulerian-Lagrangian computational formulation for the continuous and dispersed phases respectively. Ithas been previously validated in a number of test cases (Founti and Klipfel, 1998, Klipfel et al., 1998, Founti et al., 1999) yielding satisfactory predictions compared to experimental data.
    Additionally, in-house pre- and post-processing tools have been developed for the grid generation and graphical representation of the computational results obtained with the 2PHASE code.
  • «PYTHIA»: Decision Support tool for Multi-Criteria Analysis for high end technologies in energy section, combined with LCA Analysis. Used in fuel cell technologies, biomass gasification and many more.
  • «HETRAN»: Code for computation simulation of transient phenomena of heat and mass transfer in building materials.
  • Customized Ring Mills
End Users
  • Public Sector
  • Greek and European Industries in building materials area such as: KNAUFGips KG, Deutsche Perlit S&B.
  • European Energy Systems Industries, such as ANSALDO FUEL CELLS S.p.A., Johnson Matthey – PLD, AEG Netcontrol GmbH, Merloni TermoSanitari SpA, Ikerlan S. Coop, ELCO Shared Services GmbH, OMV AG, Hovalwerk AG, OWI, κ.α.
  • European Industry in transport area: AIRBUS Germany, FINCANTIERI Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A