On Friday, November 14th 2014, HMCS successfully organized the Workshop of
The project LVS3 is funded by the European Union (coordinator: ArcelorMittal).
The purpose of the workshop was the presentation of the project LVS3, dealing with the LCA of steel structures, and the dissemination of the corresponding software AMECO3, which aims to assess the environmental impact of steel and composite buildings.
Each participant received a USB stick with the software AMECO3, the Background document and the Design Guide of the software.
AMECO3 is also available for smartphones and tablets (both Android and iOS). App name is Buildings LCA.
Speakers of the workshop were:
-M.Founti, Mechanical Eng. Professor (NTUA), Greek LVS3 Partner
-Ch.Gantes, Civil Eng. Professor(NTUA), guest speaker
-D.Giannopoulos, PhD Mech.Eng (NTUA)
-M.Stamatiadou, PhD Mech.Eng (NTUA)
HMCS would like to thank all the participants!